Friday, October 30, 2009

Hi! I'm Susan


My name is Susan Saudoyez. I'm thirteen. I am in 4ème( Year 9) and I live in Flesselles. I have got 1 brother and I love my family most of all my cousin. I love my friends, cinema, nature and animals. I like Twilight. Desperate Houseswives. I love sports (hand-ball, dance and swimming), shopping. I like Lady- gaga, Akon, Mika... I listen to Rap & R'n'b.
I love my county « the picardie » near the north of France. In the North of France we speak a dilect: chtimie!!! I live in picardie it is divised into 3 parts: Somme (where we live) , Aisne and Oise.
What to do in picardie:
Visit the Cathedral of Amiens, The Hortillonage, The Jules Verne's house,The museum of picardie, The city of Samarra

1 comment:

Lara said...

Hey!!!! I’m Lara I’m from Oklahoma I’m 5’7” (5 feet 7 inches) . I can’t wait to learn so much more about you! I’m obsessed with Twilight.. I love music it’s like my life. I took ballet for about 5 years and after that I took up soccer. I’m in 4 clubs at school. Student council being one of them. Well I hope to hear more from you guys! :) <3