Friday, October 30, 2009

Hello!! I'm Coline

My name is Coline and I am thirteen.

I live in Vaux-en-Amiénois, it's an hour away from Paris.

I've got one brother.

I love handball, cinema, English, Spanish, the series "New port Beach" and Gossip Girl, Twilight and London.

I'm in 4e in my college. in France, we don't wear uniforms.

In my county Picardie, you can visit the Cathedral Notre Dame d'Amiens, the
Museum of Picardie, Jules Verne's house, hortillonnages, Baie de Somme, Samara...
The special dish are "Ficelle picarde", "Gâteau battu", "Le mouton présalé de la Baie de Somme", "Les Macarons d'Amiens"...

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